Be The One to Save a Life

Join the Be the Match marrow registry and be the one to save a life.

What if there was a way to heal someone? To have the power to stop someone from dying? There is a way, and it’s you!  Thousands of patients hope for a bone marrow donor who can make their life-saving transplant possible.  Children with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell and other life-threatening diseases, children like Brody, who suffer from immunodeficiency syndromes, depend on the Be The Match Registry to find a match to save their life.  These children depend on people like you!  You have the power to save a life. Take the first step today and join the registry.

Find out more information and consider joining now:

Donate umbilical cord blood. Give birth to hope.

A joyous event for you could become the same for someone in need. In the past, when a baby was born, the umbilical cord was thrown away. But today, blood from the umbilical cord can be collected after your baby’s birth and donated to a public cord blood bank to help someone with a life-threatening disease.  If you choose to donate umbilical cord blood, your labor and delivery are not affected. No blood is taken from your baby, only from the umbilical cord itself after your baby is born.